Sunday, February 06, 2011


The population enumeration Census 2011 is going to start on 9th February 2011.
To day the enumerator called on me and requested to keep ready the date of birth of all the residents of my home as she will be visiting again on 9th to record the details of Census 2011. It is learnt from that enumerator that there is no question regarding Caste in the enumeration which is starting from 9th February.

I appeal to all Sourashtrians to record their mother tongue as SOURASHTRA.
Because people were not alert, the population of Sourashtras was much understated/
At least in this census it should be corrected, so that we can claim the rights of Linguistic Minorities.


NK said...

I am Naresh from chennai having mother tongue as sourashtra. Here i dont think census readings are recorded as expected. The people who came for recording the details are not asking about the mother tongue it seems. By default they are taking as Tamil. since, people at home are unaware of voluntarily informing the officials about language we might tend to lose the actual numbers. Sir, is there any option of editing our details in any means??? if its there pls comment. Thanks

NK said...

To add up, i am also eager to know whether "Pattusalis"( from AP and karnataka speak sourashtra what we speak??? I have asked this question in facebook(sourashtra group) itself bu i ended up with mixed response. Hence i have raised the same here to get information.
Naresh Kumar P N